
Options grow for CTV advertisers as Samsung Ads enters Australian market

Samsung Ads Australia general manager, Alex Spurzem shares his insights on Samsung Ads, Samsung TV and what next for TV ads in this Q&A with Mumbrella.

What is Samsung Ads and how does it fit in the wider CTV ecosystem?

Samsung Ads is an audience ad platform that offers advertisers and brands first-party data insights from millions of ads-enabled Samsung Smart TVs globally – millions of which are in Australia. Our platform helps advertisers discover viewers’ TV preferences, deliver relevant engagement experiences and measure the impact. It also offers a simple solution to consolidate Advanced TV media buys.

Alex Spurzem, Samsung Ads Australia

Why launch Samsung Ads Australia, and why now?

Australia has long been known as a tech-forward, innovative market. Marketing professionals here are not shy to adopt new technologies, experiment with formats and continually innovate to drive the best results in new and exciting ways. On top of this, Australian broadcasters have been embracing shifts in consumption and technology, finding new ways to engage with their audiences.

Despite the proliferation of devices on which consumers can access on-demand content, the TV remains the entertainment hub of the home for many Australians. It’s now estimated that 8 in 10 Australians have access to Connected TV (CTV). So in terms of demand and consumption habits, the market is ready for a world-leading connected TV advertising solution.

How do you see the TV landscape evolving in Australia?

There have never been more options to consume high quality content and people are using their television for far more than traditional linear viewing. Today’s viewers are also using their TVs for gaming, streaming, catching up on on-demand and much more. According to the IAB Australia, over the last year the number of Australians viewing internet content on a TV daily has grown 22%. With consumption on the rise we also expect an increase in advertiser spend.

Connected TV presents a tremendous opportunity for brands to reimagine how TV can be utilised to connect with key audiences. Our technology, combined with our scale, allows us to increase the efficacy of how advertisers can reach and engage consumers and measure the effectiveness of their campaigns.

Samsung TV Plus recently launched in Australia. Is it part of Samsung Ads? What’s the opportunity for advertisers?

Samsung TV Plus is a free ad-supported video service available on 2017-2021 Samsung Smart TV models in Australia. The service offers more than 40 channels of premium content for our customers to enjoy, and because it is a pre-installed free TV service there is no download, subscription or credit card needed – just an internet connection.

Samsung Ads manages the video ad inventory on the Samsung TV Plus platform, offering advertisers video ad opportunities within a premium curated environment.

It’s a great way for brands to reach CTV audiences within the streaming experience, because the in-stream advertising videos appear against high quality curated content. A seamless and non-intrusive ad experience is core to our offering.

Can you give away any insight into your future plans? What will we see from Samsung Ads in 2021?

At Samsung Ads Australia, our fast-expanding team is here to help advertisers to be at the forefront of technological innovations encouraging new ways of connecting with customers.

This means helping advertisers and content publishers make TV advertising more measurable, actionable and addressable. As we move forward, we will look to drive further innovations in this area. We hope to launch our Samsung Ads self-serve DSP alongside other solutions to ensure advertisers can buy inventory they way they want to.


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